Ava Sakowski Marketing

Elite Marketing Management
Services Company


What we do

Marketing Management

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Social Media Management

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Website Development

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Onsite SEO

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Offsite SEO

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We help guide the direction of your business

“When I was selling advertising, I dreamed of a way I could help my clients with all of their marketing challenges instead of trying to fit them into what I sold.

After 10 years of representing an elite group of business owners. I realize just how valuable this service is.”

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What people are saying about us

Hire Experience and My Personal Touch.

We can represent 15 to 25 small businesses at a time. We now have businesses in Washington, Florida, Michigan, and Illinois. We fill the marketing gaps, like social media, reputation management, website management, internet marketing, and vendor management for traditional service businesses like a restaurant, a lawyer, and a well-driller to community leaders, podcasters, and coaches.  Small businesses cannot afford a full-time marketing person.  We fill that need for a few. We are currently able to accept a couple of clients  Let's talk. 

  • 425-931-8777
  • avasakowski@msn.com